I'm seeing an error when I try to connect my database

How to resolve common errors when connecting your database

Use case

"I keep seeing an error when I connect my database. How can I resolve it?"


  • Is your connection string correct?
  • Did you allowlist the Velvet IPs?
  • Does your database user have the proper privileges?

How to trouble shoot your database connection

You're seeing an error when you try connecting your database to Velvet. Here are a variety of checks to run, which usually resolve the issue.

Is your connection string correct?

Read our general guide on URI construction here. Go to the guide for your specific database if you want more direction.

Did you allowlist the Velvet IPs?

You can find our Static IPs here. Be sure to configure the network restrictions in your cloud provider to allow Velvet to connect to your database.

Does your database user have the proper privileges?

It's best practice to create a user with read-only permissions for products like Velvet. Read the guide for your specific database if you want more direction.

If your connection string is correct, it could also be a user privilege problem. Verify the user type you're including in the connection string has permission to take this action.

Get help from our team

If you're still having issues, email us at [email protected] or schedule a call. We'll help you get it working quickly.

Further reading on this topic