
Set up Hubspot as a data source.

Collect real-time events from Hubspot. You'll be able to query these events in the editor.

Add Hubspot as a Velvet source

Create a new event type source in Velvet.

  1. Tap into a workspace in your Velvet dashboard
  2. Navigate to "Data sources"
  3. Tap "Add a data source"
  1. Select an event type source. Name the source.
  1. Copy the webhook link

Send webhooks from Hubspot

If you get stuck, read further documentation from Hubspot here.

First, set up scopes in your app so you can create a webhook subscription:

  1. Subscribe to CRM events: Configure your app to require the
  2. Subscribe to conversation events: Configure your app to require the
  3. In Hubspot, locate your app.
  4. Navigate to "Settings" > "Scopes". Expand this section to view a list of available scopes.
  5. Select the scopes your app requires to function properly.
  6. Click the "Save" button to apply the selected scopes.

Next, set up webhooks:

  1. In your Hubspot developer account, navigate to your app dashboard.
  2. Click into your app.
  3. Navigate to Webhooks in the sidebar.
  4. In the "Target URL" field, paste the Velvet Hubspot webhook link from above.
  5. Use the "Event throttling" setting to adjust the maximum number of events you want to send.
  6. Click Save.

From this point on, we’ll create a queue of events from Hubspot. You can query them in your Velvet workspace.

Migrate historical data

If you have pre-existing data, we can set up a one-time or recurring data migration.

Email [email protected] to start a data migration process. Include your Velvet account email, which data source you want migrated, and any other relevant information.